World Federation of Power Leaders WFPL



WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS(WFPL) originates from the International Youth Institute (formerly the International Youth Research Institute, PRESIDENT LEE SAN-HA) established on January 11, 2007, and through the 17 metropolitan and provincial branches and the regional federations in Korea and regional federations from around the world with WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), and in cooperation with enthusiastic, talented young men and women, actively participates in solving the crisis arising from the structural conflicts in the society. It aims to orient toward the living-together world where the socially weak are not neglected and the culture of participation and communication is widely spread.       










* The General Principles of Winner Selection is the main selection of WIC AWARDS Evaluation Regulations to help understand the criteria relating to the selection of winners.


The selection of WIC AWARDS winner in each category will be conducted in accordance with the 'WIC AWARDS Evaluation Regulations', with no discrimination based upon nationality, religion, ideology, race, gender, age, etc.





All matters relating to the selection of the winners shall be kept confidential in order to strictly guarantee fairness and objectivity.


Award nominees have a nondisclosure obligation. In particular, those who are selected as judges must abide by the ethical standards and confidentiality obligations, and not disclose any contents related to the evaluation and evaluation.



2. National and Regional Arrangement Principles


In order to prevent the winners from being biased in specific countries, only one country is selected in one category by applying Continental Arrangement Principles.


The only exception is for non-governmental international organizations with branches in many countries of the world.




3. Winner and Total Winners in Each Category


There will be one (or an organisation) winner in each category and nine winners in total. The only exception is co- winners in each category.



4. WIC AWARDS Winners Grace Period


There is a five-year grace period even after the laureates are selected. Anyone who damages the value of the prize due to controversy in the international community is excluded from the winners.



5. Valid Criteria for Award Candidates


Nominations for award candidates by others are valid and therefore, one should not  recommend oneself.



6. Eligibility: Based on referral date


The winners of WIC AWARDS are those who have made outstanding achievements in human history, and limited to the living. The criteria for a winner's eligibility in the event that the winner has passed away is based on the date of recommendation.



7. Criteria for Selecting Winners: Those who will be represented by the world


Each year, the winners of each category are selected for the greatest achievements in the history of mankind by applying national and regional arrangement principles.


In the event no adequate winners are selected in each category, the number of winners will not be reduced or no selection will be made.



8. Others


Other matters than described above are subject to WIC AWARDS Evaluation Regulations.











WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS, LEE SAN-HA, CEO OF WFPL / HANSIN B/D 1105, 12 MAPO-DAERO,MAPOGU, SEOUL, KOREA / WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), LEE CHEESOO, CHAIRMAN  / TEL: 02-718-2118 (Main),  02-702-2118, 02-717-2118, 02-717-1118,  FAX: 02- 6442-6118, 서울시 마포구 마포대로 12길, 한신빌딩 1105(공덕동) / 청소년보호책임자: 이황주 e-mail: webmaster@wfple.orgFOR MORE INFORMATION. / © Copyright WFPL All Right Reserved